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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cry can not solve the problems, Tear is just a medium to release yourself

My time allocation is very unbalanced!
Sometimes very busy,
While sometimes very free......
When busy,
There is insufficient time for me to do other things,
When free,
There is insufficient things for me to do...
[Contradiction occurs again]

Time flies...
Next year will be the last year for me to stay at SMK Bercham...
It may not the best school in Ipoh,
I had stayed here for 4 years...
It had given me lots of unforgivable memories, 
included my Ji Mui
Hope that our friendship can be keeping last longer
LESS arguments...
LESS sadness...
LESS irritations...
We may not know where will we go after graduate...
We may not know will we continue study at same school or not....
We may not know what is the next time for us to gather...
But we won't forget the moment we are together^^

Please be strong enough to face all the problems in your life,
Cry can not solve the problems,
Tear is just a medium to release yourself,
Do not drop your tears easily in front of others,
You are not a weaker!!

I found Kahyet's second motto---
Belum Try Belum Tahu
Hope that this motto is totally worked to me ^^

Always SMILE ^^

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